Recover The Password From The Integrated Administrator Account in Windows 10

Recover The Password From The Integrated Administrator Account in Windows 10

Are you looking for a way to recover the password from the Administrator account of a Windows 10? Do the following:
  1. Start the computer with a Windows boot disk.
  2. Select «System Restore» in the first window with the «Install» button.
  3. Select Troubleshoot / Advanced options / Command prompt in the next window.

4.Click on the menu item Command prompt.
5.In the window that opens, type in:
copy с:\windows\system32\cmd.exe с:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
Where «с:» is the disk where the Windows folder is located.
Note. These commands will let you open the Command prompt window on the system entrance window, with the help of Ease of Access button or with the help of Win + U key combination.
6. Disconnect the boot disk from the computer.
7. Stop installation of the operating system and restart the computer.
8.In the window asking for the password, launch the Command prompt by choosing the Ease of Access menu or by pressing Win + U key combination.
9.Enter the command net user to show all users of this computer.

10. Enter the command net user name password.
Where «name» is the user name and «password» is a new password.
That is, to reset the administrator password and set a new one (for example, qwerty), in our case we will have to enter this command: net user Valery qwerty.
11. Restart the computer and enter the Administrator account by using the new password.
Note. After you have logged in as Administrator, the password for thsi account can be changed anytime in the menu Control Panel / User Accounts (see «Recover a forgotten password with the tools of your computer»).

Arup Mandal

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