How do I password protect my files and folders in Windows?

How do I password protect my files and folders in Windows?

Password-protect a folder

Using a password to protect a folder means that you need to enter a password to see the list of documents in the folder. You can also password-protect individual files either in a password-protected folder or in a folder without password protection. The procedure is the same for files and folders.

Windows 7

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder you want to password-protect. Right-click on the folder.

  • Select Properties from the menu. On the dialog that appears, click the General tab.
  • Click the Advanced button, then select Encrypt content to secure data. Click OK. Your Windows username and password will be used.
  • Double-click the the folder to ensure you can access it.  

  • Windows 8 and Windows 10

    It is not possible to use Windows to password-protect a folder in Windows 8 or Windows 10. You will need to download third-party software or use a zipped folder. If you elect to use third-party software, be sure you download it from a reputable source.

    Zipped folder

    Password-protecting a zipped file is a good solution if your version of Windows does not support password protection. If you put the files you'd like to protect in a zip file, you can then apply a password.
    1. In Windows Explorer, highlight and right-click on the files you would like to put into a zipped file.
    2. Select  Send to, then Zip folder (compressed). Follow the prompts to name and save the folder.
    3. Double-click the zipped file, then select File and Add Password.
    4. Fill out the requested information, then click Apply.

    Hide a folder

    When you hide a folder or file in Windows, the folder or file does not appear in the directory list, unless the Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives setting is unchecked.

    Windows 7, 8, and 10

    1. Right-click on the file or folder that you want to hide. Select Properties.
    2. Click the General tab, under the Attributes section, check Hidden.
    3. Click Apply.
    If the file or folder remains visible in the directory, you will need to enable another setting.

    1. In Windows Explorer, click the File tab.
    2. Select Options, then select the View tab.
    3. Under Hidden files and folders, select Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives.
    To see your hidden files or folder, repeat the instructions above, but click Show hidden files, folders, and drives.

    Arup Mandal

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